Thursday, November 17, 2011


Entry 14                                                                                                                         December 16, 1773          
You won't believe what I've just done!
I just ran with the Sons of Liberty out to the docks. We were all dressed up as Native Americans, and we looked pretty cool.

We ran up on the ships and chopped open the chests of tea, and dumped them into the harbor. Everybody was yelling:
"Boston Harbor is a teapot tonight!"

Recipe for saltwater tea:

What you will need:
x1 Angered colonists
x3 tea ships parked in the harbor
x1 Native American costume for colonists
x1 hatchet per person, for chopping open chests of tea
x1 Boston Harbor


General Info: White, Deverall, United states history: Beginnings to 1877, pge 102

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