Thursday, November 17, 2011

The battles at Lexington and Concord

Entry 18                                                                                                                                April 1775
I just got some bad news. First off, we miserably lost at Lexington, 8 casualties our side and 1 wounded British side. The British marched onward. Plus, more bad news. Paul was arrested while trying to warn the men at concord. However, they were still warned by Samuel Prescott.

At concord, all of the weapons had been hidden. In frustration, the Redcoats began setting fire to buildings, and the Minutemen retaliated, beginning the Battle of Concord. They won, and the redcoats retreated, suffering many casualties on the way.

Image:, 11/17/11

Info: White, Deverell, United States History: Beginnings to 1822, page 114.

Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

Entry 17                                                                                                                                    April 1775                
Apparently, Gage found out about a weapons stash at Concord. However, we had spies all over Boston. They quickly noticed the Redcoats preparing for travel and battle and informed us.
   Paul Revere and William Dawes set out on horseback when they saw two lanterns shine in a steeple, signaling that the British would come by river. They rode in order to wake the minutemen and prepare them for battle. Minutemen were Militia members who pledged to be ready in a minute's notice.

Image: 11/17/11

Info: White, Deverall, United States HIstory: Beginnings to 1822, page 114

First Continental Congress

Entry 16                                                                                                          October 1774

I just got news today of the First Continental Congress. It was a meeting to discuss the oppression of Britain. Only Leaders attended. Some sought peace, others sought war. In the end, they said to keep the boycotts going, but for the militias to prepare for war.

Also, they drafted a document called the Declaration of Rights. It told George 3 about our rights to life, liberty, and property.

Image credit:, 11/17/11

Info: White, Deverell, United States History: Beginnings to 1822

Coercive Acts? More like Intolerable Acts.

Entry 15                                                                                                                      Spring 1774              
I cannot believe this. Britain has passed a whole new slew of acts to punish us for the Tea Party.
-Boston Harbor has been closed, putting me out of work.
-Mass. had its charter cancelled.
-Royal officials face trial in Britain
-I have to give home to British Soldiers now.
-Quebec got a whole lot of land.
-Thomas Gage is the new governor of Mass.

Once again, I cannot believe this. Britain has overstepped their bounds on this one.

Image:, 11/17/11
 Info: White, Deverell, United states history , beginnings to 1822


Entry 14                                                                                                                         December 16, 1773          
You won't believe what I've just done!
I just ran with the Sons of Liberty out to the docks. We were all dressed up as Native Americans, and we looked pretty cool.

We ran up on the ships and chopped open the chests of tea, and dumped them into the harbor. Everybody was yelling:
"Boston Harbor is a teapot tonight!"

Recipe for saltwater tea:

What you will need:
x1 Angered colonists
x3 tea ships parked in the harbor
x1 Native American costume for colonists
x1 hatchet per person, for chopping open chests of tea
x1 Boston Harbor


General Info: White, Deverall, United states history: Beginnings to 1877, pge 102

George III just doesn't get it.

Entry 13                                                                                                                                      1773, Date Unknown        

                      King George III really needs to be slapped across the face. No, really. He thinks this new Tea act will solve EVERYTHING. No, it won't. It'll only solve Britain's problems, by earning them more tax money. If The British East India Company can sell directly to colonists, then their cheap tea will put local stores out of business.

                      Thankfully, the first shipment has arrived, but I'm not thankful over that. I'm thankful that the Sons of Liberty have told them to leave. However, the governor of Mass. won't let them leave without paying the duty, causing the ships to be forced to wait in the harbor.

Image: J.L. Bell,, Nov. 19 2008, 11/17/11

Info:General Info: White, Deverall, United states history: Beginnings to 1877, pge 102

These guys are just asking for trouble.

Entry 12                                                                                                                                  March 5, 1775
                              Paul Revere's color print of the Boston Massacre
Okay, a fight broke out between a colonist and a redcoat, right? Well, the redcoat got offended and punched the colonist in the face. Then, a group of colonists gathered around the redcoat and started throwing snow at him. Then, more troops came. The colonists dared them to open fire, and they did. One man named Crispus Attucks died instantly, and two more died in a few days.

   Paul revere painted a picture of this massacre, as shown above. It is titled The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street. He managed to use this as propaganda against the Redcoats.

   It would seem these redcoats want a war with us.

Image:, 11/17/11

Info: General Info: White, Deverall, United states history: Beginnings to 1877, page 101